Are you ready to welcome Gen Z workforce?

Z- generation

HR on Cloud

A lot has been written about the millennial generation in our previous blogs. But soon to follow on their heels is Generation Z. And this is the time for some intergenerational understanding, as Gen Z begins to assume its position in the workplace. This new wave of workforce was born in mid or late 1990s. They have already started working as interns or fresher in many organizations.

Watch this video, by Sofia Gray as she explains who these young people. It’s pretty exciting.

The conventional theory behind generational difference in personalities and motivation is that, each generation is shaped by unique events and conditions resulting in the different ways in which they view the world. This in turn leads to a unique set of behaviors and attitudes. In this blog, we will explore the personality traits of Gen Z, and learn how modern HR technology can help manage the pool of this budding professionals.

Realistic and pragmatic

According to I4CP’s report, Generation Z: What Employers Need to Know, Gen Z has experienced a post-9/11 childhood combined with the Great Recession, the war on terrorism, school shootings, and climate change, just to name a few markers. They believe that if you’re going to survive or even thrive, you better get real about what it’s going to take. 72% of Gen Z survey respondents said that corporate responsibility is very important to them. And over half (60%) of the Gen Z survey participants said, they would stay at a company for 10 years or more.

Takeaway: Gen Z is looking for long term stability and companies can instill this confidence by a little-bit modification in the onboarding process. During hiring and onboarding, the opportunities of learning and professional development can be discussed with them. HR managers can introduce them with long-serving employees and allow them to work closely with a variety of people and to move up to more responsible positions.

Competitive racers

The I4CP also observes that parents have instilled the immense sense of independence in their Gen Z kids, which they had learnt during the great recession. As a result, Gen Z is highly competitive and impatient with the speed in which organizations operate. They want to work smarter, not harder. Now if baby boomers expect Gen Z to work 80-hour per week, they are being unrealistic. Gen Z believes that there’s no reason to work 80 hours a week, which means (to them) people are not working smart, expectations haven’t been managed, and the right processes and procedures are not in place.

Takeaway: To streamline processes, Gen Z may excessively rely on analytic tools. It is also pertinent to mention here that half of Gen Z survey respondents prefer their own private work space and 35% mentioned that they would not share work space at all. Does this imply that HR managers may require to devise separate work culture for millennials and Gen Z?

Always connected

Always connected via advance technology, is the dominant nature of Generation Z. They are the first generation born into a world where every physical aspect (people and places) has a digital equivalent. They have been raised on the ubiquity of mobile phones and have never known a world without the internet. They assume a steady stream of information. The I4CP report precisely explains, “The more high-tech they become, the more they will likely want high-touch.” For example, when it comes to communication at work and feedback from their bosses, 78% say they prefer face-to-face communication, and 85% say that it needs to be straightforward, constructive communication.

Takeaway: HR managers should embrace an HRMS which could keep the Gen Z workforce always connected. There must be separate space for casual and formal communications.


After the entry of Gen Z in the workforce, HR leaders and companies are experiencing a challenging environment for shaping procedures and policies. Will 2016 witness an evolution in HR workflows? It appears as if HR is at a critical crossroads when it comes to maintaining a balance amongst multiple generations. Reacting to this multi-generation gaps, will paramount to the success of businesses.

TAGS: Gen Z, Generation Z, HR Technology, workforce

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