
Empxtrack Sharing

An HTTP cookie (also called web cookie, Internet cookie, browser cookie, or simply cookie) is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on the user’s computer by the user’s web browser while the user is browsing. Cookies were designed to be a reliable mechanism for websites to remember stateful information (such as items added in the shopping cart in an online store) or to record the user’s browsing activity (including clicking particular buttons, logging in, or recording which pages were visited in the past).

Other kinds of cookies perform essential functions in the modern web. Perhaps most importantly, authentication cookies are the most common method used by web servers to know whether the user is logged in or not, and which account they are logged in with.

The tracking cookies, and especially third-party tracking cookies, are commonly used as ways to compile long-term records of individuals’ browsing histories

Generally speaking, cookies do not contain personal information from which an end user can be identified, unless he or she has furnished such information to the website. This website uses cookies to track usage and help improve its features and services.

How Empxtrack uses Cookies

We collect information on our users through registration and the use of the website, through cookies, where you choose to disclose data in postings, and when you enter sales promotions and competitions.

We use cookies for a number of reasons:

  1. To gather statistics. We track how many ‘unique users’ we have and how often they visit our website. We track how often the various pages of our website are visited and which countries our visitors come from. Accurate statistics enable us to provide a top quality service to you.
  2. To track advertising response for Empxtrack and third party advertisers generate statistical cookies to track ad impressions and click-through rates
  3. Some cookies enable us to show you adverts that you might be more relevant to you, to control the number of times you see them, and measure how effective the ad campaign has been. We may also utilise Google Remarketing in combination with Google Analytics to advertise online. Third-party vendors, including Google, show our advertisements on sites across the Internet. In addition, third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies (such as Google Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies together to inform, optimise, and serve advertisements based on someone’s past visits to our website.
  4. Some cookies enable us manage your content preferences. We use cookie data here to identify what our users like/dislike and introduce better, more tailored content to their needs.

By using the sites you are agreeing to the use of cookies as described.

Cookies we use

There are two types of cookie you may encounter when using this site;

FIRST PARTY COOKIES: these are our own cookies, controlled by us and used to provide information about usage of our site.

The following is a listing of the main cookies used on our site together with brief details of the information they store and for what purpose;

Name of Cookie First / Third PartyProviderPurpose
DWRSESSIODIDFirst PartyEmpxtrackStores information for maintaining user session
JSESSIODIDFirst PartyEmpxtrackStores information for maintaining user session
empx-contactidFirst PartyEmpxtrackStores a unique ID for visitor requesting free trial version of Empxtrack application
first-contact-dateFirst PartyEmpxtrackRecords the first contact date of visitor requesting free trial version of Empxtrack application
redirectUrlOnSessionTimeOutFirst PartyEmpxtrackStores information for redirection to proper destination after user session time out.

THIRD PARTY COOKIES: these are cookies found in other companies’ internet tools which we are using to enhance our site, for example Google have their own cookies, which are controlled by them.

Name of CookieFirst / Third PartyProviderPurpose
_gaThird PartyGoogle AnalyticsStores information on how user uses the application pages
_gidThird PartyGoogle AnalyticsStores information on how user uses the application pages
_tawkuuidThird PartyTwak toStores information for maintaining user session

Some of above mentioned third parties use their own anonymous cookies to track how many people have seen their ads more than once. Visitors should be aware that Empxtrack is unable to control the use of cookies or the resulting information by other third parties such as Google. These cookies cannot be used to identify an individual; they can only be used for statistical purposes.

The companies that generate these cookies have their own privacy policies and Empxtrack has no access to read or write these cookies, other than allowing them to be served, we have no role to play in these cookies at all (although we may use statistical information arising from these third party cookies).

If you would like to disable “third party” cookies generated by advertisers or providers of targeted advertising services, you can turn them off by going to the third party’s website and getting them to generate a one-time “no thanks” cookie that will stop any further cookies being written to your machine. The following are links to the main third party analytics platforms we use, which provides instructions on how to do this:

Google Analytics

How to manage your cookies

Most browsers and devices offer settings that allow you to choose whether browser cookies are set and to turn-off and/or delete them. For more information about these controls, visit your browser or device’s help material. Certain parts of the Empxtrack may not work properly if you have disabled browser cookie use.

How to control cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies as you wish – for details, see You can delete all cookies that are already on your computer and you can set most browsers to prevent them from being placed. If you do this, however, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.

Find out more about the use of cookies, see the link above or more on

All modern browsers allow you to change your cookie settings. These settings will typically be found in the ‘options’ or ‘preferences’ menu of your browser. In order to understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, otherwise you should use the ‘Help’ option in your browser for more details.

Within your browser settings you can choose whether your wish to accept cookies or not. Different browsers make different controls available to you and so we provide links below to popular manufacturers’ instructions on how you can do this. Generally, your browser will offer you the choice to accept, refuse or delete all cookies at all times, or those from providers that website owners use (“third party cookies”), or those from specific websites.

If you are primarily concerned about third party cookies generated by advertisers, you can turn these off by going to

You can also visit the trade body representing these advertising bodies for more information on how to opt out of these cookies:

Links to other websites

This website may provide links to third-party web sites for your convenience and information. If you access those links, you will leave this web site.  Empxtrack is not responsible for the content of external internet sites. We encourage you to review the privacy statement of any company before submitting your personal information.

Changes to this Statement

If there are updates to the details of this Privacy and Cookie Policy, we will post those changes here, so you will always know what information we collect online, how we use it, and what choices you have.

Empxtrack Sharing