HR Technology

Break Barriers with Technology

  HR Technology is the nerve-center of every business. Have you ever thought about what business can be accomplished in the absence of technology? Come to think of it, none. Apart from the overall business of the company, the daily transactions and operations of the employees of an organisation equally need advance HR technology to … Read more
human capital management

Are you really taking good care of your company’s most valuable asset?

 We say it all the time. It’s on each company’s website and on posters at the workplace – ‘Employees are our most valuable asset’. But what really goes into caring for this asset? It’s not enough to wake up to this question only when we see the attrition figures going up. Employee retention is a … Read more

Understanding and Reducing Employee Attrition: Slideshare

It is a big loss for companies if trained employees leave. So the companies have to try to keep the attrition rate minimum Understanding and Reducing Employee Attrition from Empxtrack

How to Conduct Employee Appraisals: Slideshare

More than ever organizations are looking to set SMART goals and conduct performance appraisals honestly. But does HONESTY itself gives accurate results? How to Conduct Employee Appraisals from Empxtrack

Top 10 bad hr practices: Slideshare

Everybody talks about best HR practices but merely bringing in the best cannot give results if Bad HR practices exist in the organization Top 10 bad hr practices from Empxtrack

Best Practices for your Payroll Management System

Whether you have 15 or 1500 employees in your company, it is always better to use an automated payroll management system instead of calculating payroll manually in your company. You can manage your large or small business payroll, using the best practices of a payroll management system . If you are a large organization then … Read more

Mobile Learning – The time is now

  Mobile is everywhere. It is a technology that most people cannot do without these days. Everybody is talking about mobile all the time. Enterprises are constantly trying to harness this technology to favor the business and enhance employee engagement. But what is the HR fraternity doing about mobile? Believe it or not, according to … Read more
Role of HR in Strategic Business

The ray of hope in recession for human resources: Slideshare

Human resources department needs to stay positive at the time of recession and focus on the things which can put the business back on track. Ray of hope in recession for human resources from EmpXtrack

Employee Onboarding Process – Make it better than ever

  In every company there are people who quit while at the same time there are many people, who join the organization. Employee onboarding process happens at regular intervals – you may have heard your HR colleagues talk about new employee orientation program that they had to take as part of the onboarding process. But … Read more
human capital management

Bored of Board Room Meetings? Try the Power of Walking Meetings

  Walking meetings. The idea sounds absurd but you will be surprised to know that walking meetings are more productive than boardroom meetings. Steve Jobs and Sigmund Freud, Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey also believe in the power of walking meetings. Just a few months before the death of Steve Jobs, both Jobs e and … Read more