Recruitment statistics

Recruitment Statistics – Challenges, Trends and Insights for Better Hiring

2018 has brought a change in the recruiting landscape. Recruiters and hiring managers are now more focused than ever; trying every possible way to retain talented candidates. The post highlights 9 recruitment statistics that may inspire recruiters and hiring managers to change the way they recruit and hire. It also cites the challenges and trends … Read more

7 Ways HR Help Stop Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The #MeToo movement has shone a light on the prevalence of sexual harassment in modern life. While only a few companies have a Weinstein or a Cosby, unfortunately, too many companies in the past let minor harassment go ignored. That, fortunately, is coming to an end. We are moving past stereotypes and victim-blaming and becoming … Read more
Management of Work Stations

Increase Profits by 15% With Optimum Utilization of Shared Work Stations and Human Capital

This is a case study about a Media House located in Mumbai, India, with more than 500 employees. The company is an industry-leader in radio spot monitoring providing Sales, Marketing and Advertising Research tools to broadcasters, ad agencies, advertisers and industry analysts. Their patented broadcast monitoring technology reviews top-rated advertising media in major markets. The … Read more
Timesheet Management Software

Top 6 Reasons to Focus on Timesheet Management

“Time is Money.” You must have heard this popular saying before. It clearly indicates that the real cost of poor time management is more than a billion dollars. It leads to performance issues and affects overall business productivity. What is the solution to this problem? Is there a way to motivate people to change their … Read more
Online calendar and task scheduling

Online Calendar and Task Scheduling Tool – A Better Way to Organize Work

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of a Calendar? Important dates, tasks, meetings, holidays, or merely a thought of being efficient and organized. Well, each one of us may think of a unique answer, but at the end of the day – we all aim to become productive, … Read more
Technology Savy Gen Z

Is Your Workplace Ready to Welcome Technology-Savvy Gen Z?

Gen Z – The True Digital Natives Who Use Technology as Their Superpower Technology Savvy. Spontaneous. Emotionally Intelligent. Digital Natives. Practical. All these terms define Generation Z, or iGen, and their behaviour. In a Forbes post, Gen Z has been referred as Post-Millennial generation categorizing people born from the mid-1990s to early 2000s, comprising of … Read more
Boosts Employee Productivity

Does Work-from-Home Option Boosts Employee Productivity?

Who wouldn’t love being able to work remotely from home? Isn’t this an attractive job perk? With the rise of digital independence, the working landscape has changed dramatically. Employees are demanding better work-life balance, and most employers have adapted and offered occasional work-from-home days to meet employee needs. Work-from-Home – The concept is extremely meaningful … Read more
Workplace Practices

7 Workplace Practices That Ensure Employee Happiness

HR departments are often tied up with day to day processes like recruitment, training, performance management etc, that there’s no dedicated time left to see the welfare of the employees. And it’s a fact that no matter how efficient your business is, if employees aren’t happy with your work culture then all your efforts may … Read more
4 Ways to Improve Candidate Experience in a Hiring Process

4 Ways to Improve Candidate Experience in a Hiring Process

“It’s been over two weeks, I haven’t heard from the recruiter till now.” “My interview went well. I had high hope from this job opportunity. But the company doesn’t seem to care much about losing a candidate like me.” “I am not aware about my application status. Not yet received a rejection or confirmation call … Read more
Good Boss

Top 15 Ways to Become a Good Boss

Learn how to manage your employees working from home during COVID-19 Pandemic. Hey Managers, Do your employees love working with you or do they just work for you? Do you mentor and guide them to perform better? Have you left a positive impact on their career? Each manager must ask these questions to themselves to … Read more