Reasons to Automate Performance Appraisal System: A Comparative Study

Performance Management

Organizations use employee performance appraisal as a tool to determine the effectiveness of employee goals and provide feedback against these goals. Employees’ performance is an essential factor in an organization’s ability to meet its objectives.

Appraisals often cause stress, anxiety and dismay amongst employees. It is one of the most dreaded tasks that employees and their managers go through. 90% of appraisals are painful and don’t work as per expectations and do not yield the desired employee behavioural changes. They produce extremely low number of performers.

Having an automated and well-structured performance appraisal system makes it easier for managers to –

  • » Provide frequent feedbacks
  • » Track employee goal achievements and progress
  • » Identify training needs for each employee
  • » Get reports and analytics
  • » Identify top and low performers
  • » Well informed decision making
  • » To be able to contribute towards company’s productivity

A transparent and effective appraisal process improves employee-manager relationship, fosters communication and boosts company culture. It makes an organization a great place to work at!

What are you doing to make your workplace better and attract top talent?

Conduct appraisals at no cost

* No credit card required

TAGS: HR, performance evaluation, Performance Feedback, Performance Review, Talent Management

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