Cost saving with Empxtrack travel and expense – A Case Study

travel expense

Case Study and White Papers, HR on Cloud

About the client

The client is one of the top IT services and solution companies in India. They have 4 business units spread across 18 regions and multi location across India and abroad. They have one of the largest sales and distribution network in the country with 15,000 plus employees.

Problem statement and business need

Being a sales oriented organization, employees need to travel a lot both domestic and international locations. Client had indicated certain gaps in their process of employee travel and expense management. The non standardized manual process was putting undue pressure on cash flow management, especially at the end of quarter.

Business need

  • » Standardized, centralized and harmonized process and policies regarding travel and expense
  • » Increased employee satisfaction with a simple to use system that is transparent and gives updated information.
  • » Real time travel and expense data analytics for managers as well as financial controllers
  • » Consolidated view for the top management

Our Solution

Empxtrack conducted a detailed As-Is Study on the process, policies and practices. With the outcome of this study and clubbing the industry best practices, travel and expense module was implemented for the client with the following salient features:-

  • » Set up of employee relationships among four business units of the organization
  • » Normal workflow set up for four different units
  • » Exceptional workflow set up e.g: For travel outside India final approval by CEO
  • » Entitlement limits aligned with job role
  • » Auto reminder and out of TAT reminder set up
  • » Logic set up on exceptional approval through alternate workflow outside of timeframe e.g:- Travel request need to be submitted 15 days prior to date of travel otherwise to be approved by Vertical Head
  • » Integration with SAP for updates to the SAP cost center based approval system and updates to Empxtrack post approval.


  • » Savings of 25% achieved on Travel and expense cost for same amount of travel due to higher cost efficiency and because of better travel planning
  • » Higher efficiency in cash management
  • » No dependency on quarter on quarter basis
  • » Real time travel and expense cost analytics
  • » Higher employee satisfaction
  • » Updated data in SAP for financial reporting.

Read More Case Studies

Disclaimer: Maintaining security of our client data is our prime responsibility. The name of the company is not disclosed in the case study due to confidentiality agreement signed with our client.

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TAGS: Case Study, Cloud HR, HCM, HR Software, HR Technology

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