Cyber Security Alert: It’s Time to Protect HR System from Cyber Risks!

cloud HR software

HR on Cloud

Apple Vulnerabilities in iOS 9.3.5

On 25th Aug’16, Apple issued a sudden iOS 9.3.5 software update that included a patch for some security vulnerabilities. iPhone and iPad owners who are using iOS 9 should right away update this software version to keep away any sort of intrusions. The sudden software update release from Apple has left worldwide developers alarmed as well as some uncertainty around iOS 10.

Lately, a serious Apple vulnerability was found when an Israeli firm called NSO Group targeted a human rights activist, Ahmed Mansoor in the UAE. Mansoor received a suspicious text with new details of torture in the country’s state prisons and a link to follow if he was interested. The attackers wanted to jailbreak his phone and implant it with malware. If he would have followed that link, the masterminds behind this attack would have been able to access encrypted messages, collect passwords and secretly track his location and movements.

Soon this attack was reported to Citizen lab and Lookout Security where it was revealed that malware targeted 3 undisclosed vulnerabilities, including arbitrary code execution, access to kernel memory and kernel privileges.

In response to this attack, Apple has launched a bug bounty program to encourage disclosure of such vulnerabilities. Under this program, people reporting a malware or bug would be rewarded with cash prizes. Apple would be offering highest bounty up to $200,000 for reporting undiscovered vulnerabilities in its products.

But do you think having a bug bounty program is the end of cybercrimes? Not really!

Cyber Risks for Human Resource Departments

Cyberattacks on business applications, like ERP, CRM and HR systems are not new. Over 95% of the ERP systems analysed are exposed to vulnerabilities enabling cyber-attackers to take full control of the business. {Source}

When hackers attack companies with malware or other intrusions, human resource department is one of the first places they hit. In past few years, human resource leaders have witnessed numerous cybercrimes. Hackers use everything from phishing to posing as company executives asking for confidential documents.

Why do hackers target HR systems?

  1. Because of the confidential data they store (employee information, passwords, etc.)
  2. Because of the critical processes they run (payroll, logistics, etc.)
  3. Because of human dependence on them

Small and large companies have to follow safe computing protocols to fight back from any vulnerabilities damaging their HR system. Companies should take initiatives to – train employees to be aware of the scams, adopt practices to protect confidential HR data and thoroughly examine vendors offering web-based HR software.

Companies of all sizes susceptible to cyber crimes should use SAAS HR management system to protect their important data and HR processes from any online threats. In recent months, HR departments in multiple SMBs have faced W-2 tax form ‘whaling scams’. Companies have been on receiving end of data and money loss. That’s the reason many HR experts suggest companies to use web-based HR software and store data on cloud.

Store Data on the Cloud-based HR Platform. Know Why?

A simple way to stay away from scams and online thefts is by keeping company’s information in encrypted form in the cloud instead of storing it in documents or desktops. PCMag recently blogged about cyber-attacks and stated that important data files stored in the cloud are safe. Even if employees receive a phishing request, they would only be sharing a link to a file and hackers would not be able to access critical data.

Online HR tools have become a need for today’s business. SaaS HRMS software is well-integrated and configurable cloud HR platforms that allow a business to enjoy secure business operations.

Growing number of organizations are adopting cloud HR Software due to these excellent features:

  • Continuous upgrades – Organization do not prefer on-premise HR management systems as they need costly upgrades. On the other hand, online HR solutions have continuous functional and technical upgrades with amazing customizability.
  • Secure data centre – Vendors providing cloud HR software offers highly secured data centres to the companies.
  • Strong privacy and access rules – Web-based HR Software providers gives the right security and privacy controls to the users.

Final thought: Cloud HR Solution Is a Game Changer

Cloud HR is definitely a game changer. Online collaboration of multiple HR processes, including payroll, recruitment, training management, time and attendance management, and company workflow is bringing change in the way we conduct business. And that’s the reason cloud services are predicted to grow to $244 billion by 2017. {Source: Gartner}

Until guaranteed cyber security options are not available, we suggest organizations to rely on trusted Cloud HR technology vendors as well as train employees and be aware of security measures to avoid troubles!

TAGS: Cloud Based HRMS, HR Software, HR Solutions, HR Technology

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