Inaccurate results… delayed projects… procrastination… overdue monthly targets… no job satisfaction… improper employee management… Aren’t these words enough to illustrate what’s wrong in a team?
They are.
There’s no denial to the fact that poor relationships unfavorably affect work and cause immeasurable damage to company results. Believe me, many people feel reluctant at work just because they share not-so-good professional relationship with their manager or boss. Most of the people don’t realize this vacuum, while others are unable to accept it.
Dissatisfaction of working with a non-supportive manager keeps away the employees from sharing ideas, accomplishing goals and participate in team building activities. Is there something we can do about it? Of course, yes!
Managers should take powerful initiatives to build trust among the team members and involve disengaged people. Let’s go through some common strategies to build a healthy employee-manager relationship.
Build & Strengthen Employee-Manager Relationships – How & Why!

Keep Team Work Intact
Involving team members in every important or unimportant task makes them feel good. Give them the opportunities to contribute in team work which makes them feel more valuable. Never try to overburden any employee; instead put more efforts to identify their interests and expertise so that you can assign them work accordingly.
An employee tends to work more passionately, if he/she really feels connected with the work. A manager can always win trust of his team members by assigning right responsibilities to the right person.
Help Each Other & Seek Success
No one can win a battle alone. This thought applies universally, even on your work goals and company objectives.
Managers and employees should understand that competition is not the only thing they should look up to. In fact, it’s all about working with each other to reach a common goal.
Good communication is a key. Managers should interact with employees more often to understand their expectations, problems and limitations. Managers can conduct different activities, including seminars, office luncheons, training programs, one-on-one meeting sessions and workshops, to bridge the communication gap and build one-to-one bond with each team member.
Encourage Equal Contribution in Team Tasks
Asking each team member to contribute equally in a team project brings multiple benefits:
- It motivates people to work collectively
- Everyone builds trust relationships
- Sharing ideas bring coworkers closer
- Reduces burden from one employee
Employee Motivation & Training
A good leadership is a sign of progressive team. A manger should lead a team like a true leader, not a boss. He/ She should constantly make efforts to bring the team together.
In a team, each individual has a unique contribution and is responsible for handling critical responsibilities. When manager appreciates their work and efforts, it boosts employee morale which results in high productivity. Leaders paying more attention to employee engagement reap sweet fruits.
Introducing well-defined work goals, incentive plans, rewards, free lunches, gift cards, or fitness perks make it easier to motivate and engage employees. Employees are likely to enjoy workplace even more, when they receive additional benefits other than just a paycheck.
…Aren’t these really amazing ideas to engage employees and strengthen employee-manager relationships? Hope, YOU – my readers – would definitely agree with me.
Certainly, employee relations are all about perceiving them in right ways and investing in right people. A healthy and happy relation among employees promotes positivity at workplace. Managers and employees feel more enthusiastic to work harder and achieve organizational goals while minimizing their differences. In fact managers can also use online HR tools, like employee satisfaction surveys, to accomplish employee management more conveniently.
If you’re facing any challenge in strengthening employee-manager relationship, feel free to adopt these easy employee management strategies and make your workplace friendlier.