Empxtrack Inc. On-Demand Human Capital and Talent Management Software

EmpXtrack On-Demand Human Capital and Talent Management Software

HR on Cloud

Empxtrack is a unique web-based Global HR product that covers all aspects of an employees life cycle in an organization – right from Recruitment, On-boarding, Payroll, Self Services, Performance Management and Training. Empxtrack provides strategic inputs to the organization through a comprehensive database (HRIS) and also provides Manpower Planning, Succession Planning, Competency Gap Analysis, Compensation Management and Surveys. Over 250 configurable reports and graphical analytics in Empxtrack provide valuable inputs to all levels of management and HR Departments for critical decision making.

EmpXtrack’ s web-based soft wares on human capital, talent management, Recruitment, Onboarding, payrolls, Self services, performance management, Manpower Planning and Succession Planning.Empxtrack has some of the most in-depth features, which can be further customized to meet your exact requirements. Whether it is appraisal workflows, payroll processing or specific reports, Empxtrack can meet your needs in tight timelines with extremely low overheads.

There are multiple Editions of Empxtrack, each one designed to meet a specific HR need. Our product range provides solutions to organizations of all sizes. Whether you are a start-up of 20 employees or an enterprise with thousands of employees, Empxtrack can empower your Human Resource Management.

Empxtrack Inc. is a user-friendly web-based HR software which can be accessed anywhere and anytime from any computer connected to Internet or your business Intranet (depending on your hosting choice). The pricing model of Empxtrack is very flexible allowing you to pay according to number of employees in your company and the features being used.

TAGS: 360 Review, Applicant tracking system, Employee Management System, Employee Performance System, HR Solutions, HRMS, Human capital management, Human Resource System, IT solutions for HR, Recruitment Solutions, Salary software, Wages software

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