Manage Employee Issues with HR Mails to Employees (Part 2)

warning letter to employee

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Are you expected to communicate with employees often to resolve issues and discuss challenges? To communicate effectively, use these pre-written HR mails to employees and increase productivity, save time and share consistent and professional communication.

Why do you need to send HR Mails to Employees?

Today professional communication is extremely frequent and necessary. Employees work at multiple locations, across numerous time zones and continuously evolving business environments.

A survey by McKinsey conducted in 2012 states that the professional desk workers spend more than 28% of their working hours dealing with emails. And these numbers are increasing with each passing day!

There is significant stress involved in identifying ways to communicate effectively with employees – especially when you may not know them personally, may not be aware of what they do and have yet to build a relationship with them. In brief, you are not accepted as a trusted advisor in their eyes.

To save you from all this hard work and uncertainty, we had created a few HR Email templates (Part 1) in the earlier blog post. It was received very well with 1000s of page views.

Based on the feedback, numerous responses and request for more frequently used mails, we are sharing some more HR Mails to Employees to assist you in your day-to-day communications.

We hope that we can assist you in your job and help you achieve your objectives!



Template 4. Employee taking frequent leave of absence

It is essential to maintain a work-life balance and taking some time-off is normal and expected.

Each organization provides paid-time-off to employees to allow them to handle personal exigencies and participate in hobbies of their choice. At the same time, employees cannot take days-off without an approval from their supervisor or at the cost of compromising work and deadlines.

Often supervisors approach HR to counsel employees if an employee is taking too many unplanned vacations. You can use the following HR mail to employee to start a conversation.

Note: You can find statistics on Employee leave trends by viewing this blog.

Hi <first name>,

Hope you’re doing well!

We believe in maintaining work-life balance and encourage employees to take time off for leisure activities and rejuvenate themselves.

While studying leave records for the prior few months I noticed that you have a significant number of unpaid days without approval of your manager. I would like to understand if you are facing any specific problems that are leading to this situation. Besides impacting productivity of you and your team, this can impact your career as well.

Would you have some time <tomorrow between 3pm and 5pm> for a chat over a cup of coffee?  Let me know and will share an invite to block our calendars.

I would like to reassure you that I am always there to help all employees and ensure that they enjoy the time being spent at office.

Please feel free to reach out to me and speak out your heart anytime.

<Your name>

Template 5. Request Employee Feedback

Employee feedback is very valuable to understand engagement, pre-emp employee related challenges and to introduce changes in the work environment.

There are a variety of surveys that organizations run periodically to gather such inputs. Unfortunately, employees often do not often respond to these requests unless reminded 2-3 times.

Here is a ready to use HR mail that can remind employees to participate in this activity.

P/S Click on the link you want to read more on designing an Employee Satisfaction Survey

Hi <first name>,

Hope you’re doing well!

I would like to thank you for sharing your valuable suggestions so far and helping us to make our workplace an amazing place to work at. I sincerely believe that we can make great things happen together!

It’s time for another round of your feedback and I would like you to spare few minutes for the employee survey and tell us how we can improve.

As always, our surveys are anonymous to allow everyone to put in an honest viewpoint, unhesitatingly.

Your answers, suggestions and even criticism will be treated with utmost confidentiality and I look forward to your inputs.

Please feel free to reach out to me and speak out your heart anytime.

<Your name>

Template 6. Appreciate Team Members

Everyone likes to be recognized and appreciation is a fundamental element for any employee engagement initiative.

Never miss any opportunity, small or big, to appreciate an employee and thank them for their contributions.

You can use the following template to quickly create an appreciation mail and become popular with everyone in the company.

Here is another great idea! Build a company specific social feed platform where you can share news and achievements with everyone. We find this increases camaraderie, builds competition and helps increase productivity.

Hi <first name>,

I would like to thank you for putting in your best efforts, pushing your limits and making <project name or initiative> a big success.

I came to know about this in the company meeting when our CEO received the client’s email regarding your contributions. What an incredible job!

We are very proud of your achievements and hope that you continue to meet and exceed our customers’ expectations.

You deserve a big round of applause and mean a lot to mem.

Keep up the good work!

Please feel free to reach out to me and speak out your heart anytime.

<Your name>

Template 7. Record Extra Working Hours of Employees

Employee time tracking is essential to maintain a record of exact working hours of employees.

Especially in the times of pandemic, when employees are working from home, it has become difficult for HR to track extra work hours spent by employees on different projects.

Most of the organizations use employee timesheet software to track employee activities and manage projects efficiently. This saves HR’s time and effort.

Remind your employees to keep their manager and HR informed about their overtime for accurate payroll calculation.

Hey <first name>,

We have noticed that you have been spending extra hours for the past few weeks to meet your project deadlines. The company appreciates your hard work and commitment.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that due to , we are not able to record your exact extra working hours.

Incorrect record of overtime may result in inaccurate payroll or compensatory offs. I would request you to share your extra working hours to your reporting manager and HR on a daily basis. This will help us maintain the records accurately.

Let me know if you have any queries. We would be happy to assist you!

<Your name>

Template 8. Warn Employees for Taking Frequent Breaks

Each organization has certain policies to keep the workforce disciplined. These policies cover things like company code of conduct, office timings, employee behavior, mobile phone usage and more.

Furthermore, any employee violating these policies is subjected to disciplinary action.

Most commonly, team leaders and supervisors often complain about frequent or prolonged breaks taken by their team members. Frequent breaks directly impact employee productivity and also hampers team performance as a result.

It is important to take appropriate action when any such incident is observed. So here is an email template that you can send to your employees to warn them about taking frequent breaks.

Dear <employee name>,

We have noticed that you have been taking frequent breaks during office hours. We expect all employees to follow the office guidelines and not violate any policies.

For your information, all employees are allowed to have three breaks each day: morning tea break, lunch break and snack break in the evening. We strongly advise you to obey the break timings.

As this is your first warning, hence no action will be taken. However, we want to make it clear that any future violations of company policy would result in disciplinary action.

We hope you will follow the company policies.

<HR Team>

Concluding thoughts

  • Hope you find these HR mails to employees useful! Please let us know by sharing your thoughts and comments below.
  • While these may not address the challenges you face in each situation, yet we hope that they can be helpful to initiate a conversation and progress towards a solution.
  • We believe that these HR mail templates are probably the best and least intrusive ways to elicit attention of an employee. Of course you have formal means to grab their attention such as issuing a warning letter.
  • Empxtrack contains a letter generation  section that can store all your letter templates with formats. Mail merge functionality allows you to quickly generate the desired letters, include employee details (such as name, manager name, department, title etc.) and send it immediately. You can save time and standardize the HR process across your company !
  • Refer to some more commonly used HR Email Templates (part 1) that you can quickly use for effective communication with employees.
  • If there are any other interesting templates that you would like to add, please use the comment section below and we will be happy to attribute them to you.

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TAGS: Employee Engagement, Employee Productivity, HR, HR Software, HRMS

44 thoughts on “Manage Employee Issues with HR Mails to Employees (Part 2)”

  1. From SC

    Dear HR,
    What is going on with the salary? I was expecting to receive it by now, and there are no signs of it. I am in urgent need of it.


    please answer how to replay mail?

  2. hey,
    i need a mail templates for employee about inform them about basic policy of company ,like working hours, lunch break,shift timing etc

  3. 1, Ex-employee is doing the same business activities, which break our terms, right?
    2, Her profile still showing she works in our company, this is wrong
    please write her an official email about the above

  4. Hi, How to reply to an employee who joined our firm two months earlier and is complaining about his manager stating that his manager is forcing him to increase productivity as he did 35 daily cases. Still, the target was 40 for each employee. Now he wants to change the team and doesn’t want to work with his manager

    • My clientnis asking for updates on his projext as we are servicing industry,so how shoulf i replh to him that we are worki g on it and as sooon we reached to a conclusion we will let you know soon.


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