Got millennials at your workplace? If not, they will soon be working with you.
Before millennial workforce join your organization (or before they think of exiting your workplace), plan creating an engaging and friendly work environment for them. Millennial workforce is the most educated generation of employees exhibiting characteristics that could be an asset for small and midsize business owners. They are going to be a large portion of the future workforce in all business sectors and according to Deloitte they will make up 75% of the workforce by 2020.
This represents an excellent opportunity for small and midsize business owners. If organizations are prepared to nurture loyalty among millennials, they would do away from the risk of losing a large percentage of their future workforce.
According to a report by Deloitte, over 30% of millennials plan to quit their job within 6 months. This shows that millennials are less loyal towards their current employers and they frequently switch jobs. Disappointing! Not only small organizations, but top brands also struggle with employee engagement issues with millennial workforce. To enforce engagement amongst millennials, organizations need to understand perspective of the new generation and ways that can truly engage them.
Here’s an infographic by Empxtrack that maps out some changes in the work culture and why organizations should adopt them to increase employee engagement amongst the millennial workforce.