Performance Appraisal Checklist for HR Leaders

Performance Appraisal Checklist

Performance Management

Any successful performance appraisal is a result of carefully planned objectives and their evaluation. A strategically created performance appraisal checklist is another thing in common that adds more value to employee reviews. Just filling out performance evaluation forms, reviewing their work achievements and discussing everything in an annual meeting – are not enough.

For HR people, annual employee performance appraisal is a big responsibility which should be carefully processed based on the facts, information and ratings given to the employees by their supervisors. HR managers need to take enough time to gather information, listen to manager’s feedback about every individual, review their ratings, provide constructive feedback to employees, help them with necessary training/ coaching sessions (if required) and support their career development.

So, before an HR person look for any employee evaluation tools, there is a need to prepare a handy employee performance checklist to plan the appraisal process and meeting.

To help you save time and efforts, here is a performance appraisal checklist you might require for your next employee review session. Let’s get started.



Initiate the appraisal process from employee’s end to encourage them to actively participate in it. Allow every individual to rate the same set of qualities that his/ her supervisor would do. Self-appraisal makes it easy for the employee to understand where he/ she stands. Carry out this process using self-appraisal forms comprising of open and close end questions. Also, remember to take feedback from the employee.

Manager ratings


In the second step, employee performance review is done by the immediate supervisors or managers. Based on their observation and experience working with the employee, ask the manager to rate his capabilities and skills.

HR Feedback

Being the most important part of the employee review process, HR person fills in the employee evaluation form after collecting information and considering 360 degree feedback. It is essential to consider all the important points before passing on your feedback. HR people can prepare a list of questions and answer them depending upon their observation. Here is a list recommended questions.

1 How do you think (name of the employee) bonds with his/ her colleagues?

  • Happily accepted
  • Works well satisfactorily
  • Find difficulty in connecting with coworkers
  • Unable to bond & build relationships

2How does the employee behave at work?

  • Very enthusiastic
  • Highly interested and hardworking
  • Average persistence
  • Not enthusiastic at all

3What do you have to say about his/ her decision making capabilities?

  • Exceptionally good
  • Always interested contributing in decisions and fairly good
  • Unable to analyze situations and make right decisions
  • Poor decision making

4What is levels of quality of his/ her work deliverables?

  • Excellent
  • Very good
  • Average
  • Poor

5What is the learning capabilities of the employee?

  • Very quick learner
  • Enthusiastic learner
  • Average in learning
  • Slow learner

6Is he/ she punctual in office (about shift timing)?

  • Yes
  • No

7Is he/ she punctual with work delivery?

  • Yes
  • No

8How will you describe his/ her overall performance?

  • Outstanding
  • Exceed expectations
  • Meet expectations
  • Meet some expectations
  • Perform below expectations

Plan and schedule a meeting

It is wiser to plan appraisal meeting carefully and inform the employee ahead, before you actually pull him/ her aside. Write an email to the employee giving all the necessary details of the meeting schedule. Take your time to collect all the written narratives (self-appraisal form, manager’s feedback and HR notes) before you jump into the meeting room and start the discussion. Keep making notes throughout the one-to-one session so as to track minutes of the meeting.

Take necessary steps & follow up

After the performance appraisal gets over, make sure to take necessary steps to help employees with better career development. Here it is important to appreciate the high performers and give more attention on training/ coaching of the average and under performers.

Wrap up…

The follow up mail is the best thing to keep in touch with the employees and observe their progress. Every step given in the performance appraisal checklist should be performed diligently to make it a success.

TAGS: Employee appraisal, Employee Evaluations, Employee Performance Checklist, Employee Review, Online HR Tools, performance evaluation

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