Top 7 posts in the HR Space ( January 26th – February 1st)

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HR for Humans: Welcome to Behavioral Economics – The Power of the Nudge

Why you should read it : Nudge your employees into making the right decision instead of forcing their hand.

Synopsis : According to behavioral economics, the decisions we make are often irrational and not beneficial for us in the long run, for e.g.: overindulging your sweet tooth. Josh Bersin discusses how you can use behavioral economics to make yourself into an invisible guiding force for your employees.

HR Is Siloed And Too Inwardly Focused. Here’s What We Do About That

Why you should read it : Human Resources is getting a makeover, and these are all the changes underway.

Synopsis : If HR wants to be treated like the rest of the members of the C-suite, it needs to speak the same language as them, that is the one comprised of numbers and spreadsheets. HR needs to quantify they’re efforts. David C. Forman talks about all the changes HR needs to make to step into the future.

Dear CIO, Are Employees Entitled to Any Sort of Privacy in the Age of Mobility?

Why you should read it : Both corporations and employees are struggling to keep their information private.

Synopsis : As the BYOD trend (bring your own device) continues to grow, employees need to understand exactly how much of their right to privacy they are giving away by signing on the dotted line. At the same time companies are worried about the fact that employees are carrying around sensitive information on their mobile phones.

Tips For Employers Managing Part-Time Millennials
Why you should read it : “What boundaries should you be setting to make sure Millennials stay productive while also acknowledging their motivations?”

Synopsis : Often managers assume that banning the use of social media during working hours is the way to minimize distractions. But this method tends to backfire often as millennials are not fond of being micro-managed. Read Meghan’s article for some insightful tips.

The Bar Has Been Raised And It’s Time For A New Kind Of HR Executive
Why you should read it : Understand why a number of HR departments are facing upheaval.

Synopsis : HR folk used to be in charge of maintaining the status quo, it was the department that rarely faced any sort of disruption. But now companies are looking for individuals with the VUCA mentality ( individuals that are able to deal with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity).

How Do Organizations Address The Challenge Of Job Hopping Millennials ?

Why you should read it : Bryan ORourke discusses how to minimize the issues that come with job hoping millennials.

Synopsis : Sarah Robb O’Hagan has an extremely successful resume, having made a mark at Gatorade, Nike and Atari Interactive. According to Sarah, millennials are necessary to foster innovation at a company but at the same time she worries that they do not stay long enough to get real experience before moving onto the next thing.

Workforce Training Is Important, But Job Shadowing Is Critical

Why you should read it : Job shadowing is the best way to train your employees in the succession pipeline.

Synopsis : Shadowing is usually reserved for interns and trainees, but according to Laura Stack, Job Shadowing is a highly effective way of training your employees. Having a certain amount of skill overlap among your team members is essential to keep things moving smoothly in the case of an employee’s absence. Job shadowing ensures that the necessary amount of skill overlap exists.

TAGS: HR News, HR space, Workforce Training

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