Top 7 posts in the HR space ( August 19th – August 24th)

Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

HR on Cloud

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Addressing Internal Competition

Why you should read it : Competition or collaboration, which one will be the driving force behind your employees?

Synopsis: The positive results of a healthy competition between employees or even workplace gamification are well documented. But with the recent Amazon kerfuffle coming to light, we need to re-evaluate our definition of a healthy competition. While internal competition can be a good thing, it can also turn sour extremely fast causing irreparable damage to company morale.

5 Career Principles to Activate Between Generations

Why you should read it :Find out which career and leadership principles withstand the test of time while being refreshed by a new generation.

Synopsis : This year, it is said, that millennials will be the largest generation in the American workforce, displacing the Gen Xers or Baby Boomers. We need to be proactive in changing our policies such that we do not alienate either of the 2 generations.

Job Candidates and Red Flags: What do you do?

Why you should read it : What is the line between a nervous tick and a deal breaker in an interview?

Synopsis:  Interviewing can be a stressful experience in itself. Add to it an unfortunate unforeseen circumstance and you’ve got the worst possible combination. It’s the HR managers job to differentiate between a candidate that is just nervous and one with a character flaw. This well thought out article spells out which indicators are red flags and what we can do to put our interviewees at ease.

HR and the CEO Pay-Ratio Rule

Why you should read it : According to the new SEC ruling all publicly traded companies will have to disclose the ratio of CEO pay to the average employee pay.

Synopsis:  According to Andre C. Liazos, a partner in the law firm McDermott Will and Emery, the SEC’s delay in passing the CEO ratio rule was due to the difficulty contained in the implementation of such a law. The major hiccup was setting the guidelines for the calculation of the median employee pay. The employee pay number has to be include all employees worldwide, including part-time, temporary, and seasonal workers. It’s fair to say HR has their work cut out for them, at least they have nearly 2 years  to prepare for the consequences publishing this infamous number will bring about.

Screening For Toxic Qualities in Candidates

Why you should read it :Why is screening for cultural fit in potential employees of utmost important.

Synopsis: This article provide yet another reminder that just because a candidate looks great on paper does not mean that he or she is the right person for the job. A bad attitude could be the most toxic thing to the productivity of a team and unfortunately the most difficult thing to scree for in an interview. Josh Tolan talk about which personality traits you should steer clear from to avoid hiring a toxic employee.

10 things Employers Must know About their Policies and Agreements

Why you should read it : Laws and regulations are rapidly changing, making lawsuits due to outdated policies a very real threat for firms across the Untied States.

Synopsis: Brooke T. Iley and Stephanie Gantman Kaplan go over 10 hot button topics to help you better understand what you can and can not include while writing the bylaws for your firm. The article covers topics such as, the need for an anti-bullying policy, company dress codes and whether an employer can ban the use of marijuana by an employee at all times.

LinkedIn Endorsements: Good Idea, But we Need A Lot More Than It Offers

Why you should read it : As the paper resume get phased out, it’s time to turn the spotlight on the shortcomings of the digital one.

Synopsis: Social proof of an individual’s skills is a benefit of digital resumes that the traditional paper resume couldn’t possibly encompass. LinkedIn includes social proofing in the form of LinkedIn Endorsements. But in it’s current form, I could be endorsed for my extremely impressive Java coding skills by my aunt who just learnt how to upload pictures onto Facebook. Greg Hudson talks about the changes required in LinkedIn Endorsements to make it a credible source for recruiters to rely on.

TAGS: HR, human resource, linkedIn, Recruitment

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