Top 7 posts in the HR Space ( February 23rd – February 29th)

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A Step-By-Step Approach To Anonymous Employee Feedback

Why you should read it : Office vibe compares receiving employee feedback to growing tomatoes.   

Synopsis : Officevibe states that, “48% of employees would stay with a company that asks them what they want and acts on that feedback.” Making employees feel like their voices are valued is a very important part of keeping them engaged and as a result keeping your turn over rate low.

Why EQ Is The New IQ

Why you should read it : Your EQ and not your IQ is more likely to predict your success at the workplace.

Synopsis : Most of the time your competitors have an IQ that is comparable to yours and therefore it is your EQ that gives you a competitive edge over them. According to Jacob Shriar, your EQ doesn’t necessarily have to be an inherent skill, it can be developed by being more self-aware. 

Push to Reduce Time-to-Hire May Impede Background Check Process

Why you should read it : Recruiters are being pressured to reduce the hiring time, as the labour market gets increasingly competitive.

Synopsis : “The need for speed unfortunately can often run contrary to the need for accuracy and due diligence, so there can be a trade-off involved.” Employers are beginning to sacrifice accuracy and depth when choosing a screening solution based upon turnaround time.

5 Ways To Keep Your Runners-Up In The Running For Future Jobs

Why you should read it : This article answers what you should do if you find more than one ideal candidate.

Synopsis : Oftentimes you find an ideal candidate but you just don’t have the right job opening for them. Josh Tolan has a list of things you should do if you want to make sure your runner-ups join your firm at a later time.

ESports — An Under-The-Radar Social Media Community That Recruiters Should Use

Why you should read it : Dr. John Sullivan points his readers to a global pool of highly intelligent candidates.

Synopsis : eSports is an overlooked gold mine that has been under the noses of recruiters for quite some time now. Members of the eSports community are highly talented, technology savvy and extremely competitive. They are also a part of an industry that rakes in $92 billion annually.

Open-Source HR Aims to Elevate the Profession

Why you should read it : Open-Source HR is a free portal for HR professionals to meet virtually.

Synopsis :  Lars Schmidt and Ambrosia Vertesi have collaborated to bring us an online database, that is aimed at increasing communication amongst HR folk. Open-Source HR also attempts at promoting the sharing and exchange of HR related ideas.

Using Technology To Drive Diversity In Your Business

Why you should read it : “Research shows collaborating with people of different race, gender, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, economic status and life experience encourages creative thinking and drives business growth.”

Synopsis : Creating change that’s sustainable requires a series of actions at every level, but technology can help effectively improve diversity and fill gaps that currently hold your organization back.

TAGS: HR, Hr blog, Human Resources, Recruitment

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