Online HR Tool

Win-Win Game: Online HR Tool can Make your Workplace Popular

Since the evolution of business era, companies have always made efforts to attract top talent by providing them best career development opportunities, competitive compensation and a happy workplace to work in. Employers adapt these qualities and nurture their top talent with the aim to be seen as a great workplace for employees. Having a competent, … Read more
Bell Curve in performance appraisal

Use of Bell Curve in Performance Appraisals – Good or Bad?

Before we go deep into the science of Bell Curve in performance appraisal, let’s consider: Is it fair to categorize your employees in boxes designated as ‘top performers’, ‘average performers’ and ‘non-performers’! There are several opinions, both for and against this concept. Read this post to understand its significance for your workplace. What is a … Read more
Saas-HR system

Paper or Paperless or SaaS HR System: What Pays Off Well?

The HR Function Human resource is the backbone for a successful business organization. The HR, in any small or large business organization, is not limited to managing employees’ timesheet, schedulers and payroll or onboarding new hires. An organization with competent and high performing workforce is more capable of increasing ROI. Hence, HR people go an … Read more
Employee Turnover

Pull yourself Together to Combat & Reduce Employee Turnover Rate

Yes, you heard it right! It’s high time to keep an eye on rising employee turnover rate because it is directly affecting your company’s bottom line. According to a CAP study, it is found that average cost to find a replacement for a low-paying job is 16% of the annual salary (estimated for the salaried … Read more
Employee Onboarding Checklist

Why Need an Employee Onboarding Checklist? Because First Impressions Last!

Employee onboarding checklist is not only limited to paperwork, verification and covering legal procedures. Rather the onboarding experience for a new hire is more than just completing a set of formalities. ” Onboarding is an amazing opportunity for employers to welcome new employees and give them a worthy experience to start off their new roles … Read more
Pay for Performance System

Use a Pay for Performance System: More you Work, Better you’re Paid!

What’s the most common benefit of getting a pay for performance system? Many HR experts believe that linking performance with compensation is the best way to attract and retain the best talent while aligning each employee’s individual contribution towards business goals. That’s true. But if these performance based pay plans are so advantageous, then why … Read more

Employee Recognition Ideas: Appreciate Employee Efforts Before it’s too Late!

Have you ever realized how a little Thank You note or random praise from your manager makes a world of difference? True! Employee recognition is the positive acknowledgement of a professional’s appreciable work, efforts or behavior that directly support business goals. Appreciation is a basic need that we all strive for. Many organizations execute employee … Read more

Employee Training Management Nurtures Key Talent Effectively

If you’re ever given a chance to make one choice between – an untrained and a trained chauffeur, what would you choose? According to human psychology, you’ll surely make a choice that helps you stay in safer hands. A trained professional is any day a better choice – because the person is aware of skills … Read more
warning letter to employee

Want to Draft a Warning Letter to Employee? Get Free HR Templates Now!

Are you looking to create your first warning letter to employee or want an official communication mechanism in your HR department? This blog shares some frequently used warning letter templates that you can copy and use immediately. Further, we have explained the entire process that you must use to transform employees’ behavior. Let us first … Read more
Performance Appraisal Checklist

Performance Appraisal Checklist for HR Leaders

Any successful performance appraisal is a result of carefully planned objectives and their evaluation. A strategically created performance appraisal checklist is another thing in common that adds more value to employee reviews. Just filling out performance evaluation forms, reviewing their work achievements and discussing everything in an annual meeting – are not enough. For HR … Read more