Automating Human Resources

Top 6 Reasons for Automating Human Resource Processes

“ If you are not automating human resource practices in your workplace, then your business is already a step behind than its competitors. HR department is an important functional body in an organization that carry out multiple document-driven processes throughout the year. Whether you consider payroll or onboarding or performance appraisals or just consolidating employee … Read more
How to overcome procrastination

From HR Desk… How to Overcome Procrastination at Work

What is procrastination at work? Procrastination is often observed when people put off high priority tasks at work and leave them untended. Overcoming procrastination problems is not easy, but remember it is not IMPOSSIBLE. Read on to know more about the reasons & ways to stop procrastination at work. Why do Employees Procrastinate? What Are … Read more
Compensation Planning

Compensation Planning is the Right Approach to Retain Top Talent

Better compensation, perks and benefits promote high employee performance. Employers must implement well-structured compensation planning to encourage top performers to excel and achieve far-sighted business goals. A study by University of Phoenix revealed that 55% working adults show interest in career changes & compensation hike, whereas 24% of working professional are ‘extremely interested’ in changing … Read more

Employee Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire: A Complete Guide

Is your organization a happier workplace? Do you think so? Aren’t sure? Then stop guessing… Conduct employee satisfaction survey to ask employees if they are satisfied with the workplace or not! An employee’s satisfaction is not a matter of happy days at work, it is ‘much more’ than that. To evaluate employee’s satisfaction levels, it … Read more
HR automation

Things to Remember for Pre-Employment Background Verification

…Tight timelines for recruitment, mad rush to hire hundreds of employees and cost-consciousness often distract employers from background verification. …Also, most of the employers stuck badly in the long recruiting processes that they forget to oversee employee background check. Ideally, finding and hiring a right candidate is not the end of a recruitment process. Background … Read more

Maternity Leave Policy Reflects an Employer’s Supportive Outlook

The “Big News” gives too much joy to the moms-to-be. Every pregnant woman copes up with health problems… and dealing with her company’s maternity leave policy adds more to her anxiety. Undoubtedly, it is the best time when she is ready to take up a new responsibility. On one hand, she is making every possible … Read more
Employee Absenteeism

How Can HR Prevent Excessive Employee Absenteeism

Looking for a solution to reduce employee absenteeism? You have come at the right place. If you are signing too many sick leaves these days…. If your workplace often appears to be short-staffed…. If you find many workstations empty on days before and after weekends… Then….. It’s high time to track your absent staff and … Read more

Workforce Planning Meets Possibilities of Today & Tomorrow

How can a business achieve its targeted goals in-time? Is it possible for every organization to become a highly progressive workplace? Well, the answer to the latter one is YES. Organizations can reach a step closer to their goals by assigning right jobs to the right employees at the right time. The systematic organizational processes … Read more
warning letter to employee

Manage Employee Issues with HR Mails to Employees (Part 2)

Are you expected to communicate with employees often to resolve issues and discuss challenges? To communicate effectively, use these pre-written HR mails to employees and increase productivity, save time and share consistent and professional communication. Why do you need to send HR Mails to Employees? Today professional communication is extremely frequent and necessary. Employees work … Read more

Make Employee Termination a Less Traumatic Experience

Employee Termination is, undoubtedly, the scariest thing in the HR world. Everything associated with this term is saddening and heart-breaking. It scares everyone involved in the process… the HR person, the manager and the employee. Since termination is the end of a relationship between an employee and the organization, it makes the separation more painful … Read more