
5 Insanely Awesome Ways that Gamification Charges Up Your Employees

Those in the Millennial (born between 1980 and 2000) talent pool are notorious for having a mind-set that seeks continuous validation and is easily distracted, while on the other hand celebrated for being immensely social, thirsty for knowledge and technologically savvy. With millennials set to form 50% of the global workforce by 2020, organizations will … Read more
Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

Top 7 posts in the HR space May 17th – May 23rd

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us help you stay updated. Big Data In Your Workplace: Big … Read more
Employee Feedback

Why Corporate Training is Critical for your Business

As a member of the senior management, do you often wonder – ‘what if you train an employee, and they leave? All the money and effort you spent on them – would it be a waste? So why train them at all?’ The answer to your musings is quite simple – train them well and … Read more
Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

Top 7 posts in the HR space May 10th – May 16th

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us help you stay updated.
Applicant tracking system

Invest in applicant tracking software and save $3500 per new hire!

Hiring the Wrong People is So expensive An Oil & Gas firm gets over 500 resumes in a month, for various vacant positions. Their HR team will most likely make interview decisions based on a cursory view of the CV headline and the company stands to lose out on good hires in this process. Also the … Read more
Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

The weekly wrap May 4th – May 10th

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us help you stay updated. Subscribe to our blog posts for … Read more
Employee Feedback

A Nap A Day Keeps The Doctor Away: How Corporate Wellness Teams Can Ensure Healthy and Engaged Employees At Work

Let your employee sleep. It is really that simple. Allow us to explain how it relates to your workplace. The Japanese get to take power naps, ‘Inemuri’ if you may, during work hours – at their desks! Incredible as it sounds, this culture is even encouraged by the government, with some companies setting up internal … Read more
Weekly Wrap Top HR Articles in the past 7 days

The weekly wrap-up April 27th – May 3rd

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Help us help you stay updated. Subscribe to our blog posts for the … Read more
Employee Feedback

Make your Employees an Offer they Can’t Refuse, With Pay-for-Performance

Say aye, if you read the post’s title and thought to yourself that it has to do with Sales team’s performance based incentives. While you’re not alone, this cannot be further away from the truth; employees of almost any department (marketing, HR, operations and more) can be included in a company’s variable incentive plan. The Society … Read more
Employee Feedback

4 Steps to Align your Employees to Common Goals and Build an Extraordinarily Efficient HR Process

Today, talent shortage causes companies to poach resources from other firms. At Empxtrack, we help you to retain your most valuable employees by making them a part of your workforce management process. In his book titled ‘Corporate Culture and Performance’, John Kotter states that companies with strong adaptive culture and shared values perform better on average … Read more