Recruitment process

6 key steps to Align your Recruitment Process

Hiring employees is one of the most important HR functions in any organizations and undoubtedly the first step towards building a competitive and successful organization. An effective recruitment process ensures that right people are hired in a timely manner and predictable costs and they deliver as per expectations. You may be surprised to know that … Read more
free employee onboarding

Is onboarding beneficial for all companies: Slideshare

Check out the slideshare on-Is Onboarding beneficial for all companies? from EmpXtrack
Performance management

Managing Cross-Functional Teams? Here’s how to measure their performance

This question came up recently, from a man who was marketing a new product for a high-growth company. He was working with the product manager, as well as the marketing manager within the firm. Now, how does this guy prioritize his goals? What does he do in cases of conflicting instructions? When your people are … Read more
Attendance management

Why is Training Important for your Business ?

Some employers think that imparting training or training management is a luxury and is not a necessity for competitive and strategic performance of their organization. They often ask – what if you train an employee, and they leave? But they forget to consider – what if they don’t leave ! Employees are more loyal to … Read more
Goal Management

Does Optimism alone Lead to Success? Or is there something more?

 All of us have heard the common idiom “Is the glass half empty or half full?”. The idiom is commonly used to explain how we perceive events and objects around us. An optimistic person would always see the glass as half full, focus on goal management and a pessimist person would see the glass as … Read more
talent management

Retaining Talent – An Employers Perspective

Introduction: In my previous article, we discussed Retaining Talent from an Employees perspective. Click here to read the article. Here we will look at how an Employer views the challenge of talent management.   The business view It is a strategic business need to retain employees with the right skills & competencies. Each employee carries … Read more
performance appraisal

Retaining legacy data in new appraisal system – A Case Study

This case study discusses the implementation of Empxtrack for a customer who had an existing appraisal system. During the migration to Empxtrack, they also wanted to capture the data from the old system. Since this situation may exist with many companies, we discuss the technical challenges and approach for meeting this time bound task. The … Read more
Talent Retention

Talent Retention: Employee Perspective

Each organization has the need to retain their good employees, their performing assets. It is important, therefore, to examine why employees change jobs. Let us look at this issue from the employees’ perspective. Craving for New Challenges: It takes a competent person 2 – 4 months time to understand and settle down in a new … Read more
Time Management

Managing Employee’s Time and Attendance at Work Place

  Improving attendance and managing unplanned absenteeism and time steeling is one of the most common issues faced by employers. Although, absenteeism is sometimes unavoidable and employers also realize this fact, persistent and excessive non attendance can negatively impact the productivity of a company. According to a study conducted by Kronos Inc. and human resource … Read more

ROI on automating the payroll function

This slideshare is inspired by an earlier post by me. Benefits of Payroll Software Automation using Empxtrack