Employee Engagement Build Great Teams and Bring Fun at Work

Strong communications and great teamwork is a burly base of employee engagement. Employees get good opportunities to know their peers, managers and colleagues on personal level, when they whole-heartedly participate in interactive sessions, fun-filled games and entertaining activities happening at the workplace. There is no secret to the fact that human resource management teams motivate, … Read more
Recruiting Problem

How Recruiters Can Handle ‘No Show’ Recruiting Problem?

No Shows (during interviews and onboarding) is a recurring recruiting problem being faced by all recruiters. After all the efforts put in to shortlist resumes, setting up interviews, booking the meeting room and being all prepared to meet this young, talented and capable candidate, you get the dreaded email or text: I am unwell, Emergency … Read more

Top 7 posts in the HR Space ( March 22nd – March 28th)

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? 5 Ways to Keep Performance Reviews From Becoming Boring Why you should … Read more
Buying a payroll

Why Buying a Payroll System is Better than Outsourcing Services

Payroll is not only about cutting pay cheques or just clearing bills. It is a deep world inside. A survey was conducted by The National Small Business Associations to understand their approach to handle payroll processes in small business organizations. After analyzing responses from approximately 1,500 small business owners, the research stated that 60% businesses … Read more

Is Pay for Performance Plan a Curse or a Boon?

Pay for performance plan is a popular form of compensation where employees are given salaries and other benefits depending upon their level of performance. Three decades before, people used to believe in the concept of life-time job. They would work in an organization for their entire life span. Building loyalty, trust and good relations was … Read more

Employee Motivation: A Long Term Investment to Build Strong Workforce

An employee who stays motivated, gives high productivity and enjoys workplace environment is worthy investment! So why not plan employee motivation programs and give employees what they really deserve. But before proceeding, let’s face this question… If you bump this question into the cabins of HR managers, you will surely hear loud voices waiting to … Read more

Top 7 posts in the HR Space ( March 15th – March 21st)

We know that being an HR manager can be particularly taxing – from outlining workplace rules to preventing the next discrimination lawsuit. Wouldn’t you just love it if all the latest in HR news was condensed into a capsule for a quick read? Want To Recruit Great Talent? Focus On Your Online Presence Why you … Read more
Creative Employee Recruitment Strategies

Creative Employee Recruitment Strategies to Reach Ideal Hires

RECRUITMENT– a word that has always created and will continue making buzz in the lives of HR folks! Recruiting right employee has become a key factor in shaping the future growth of a business. Of all the challenges faced by today’s HR professionals, recruitment holds one of the highest positions! It always occupies a large … Read more
Leadership Challenges

Leadership Challenges for New HR Managers: What, Why & How!

Finally… you nailed the interview and now you have been appointed as a new HR manager. Wow… leading an HR team sounds so cool and bossy. And yes, responsible too! Aren’t you excited about your new job role? Of course, you are! We know you are impatiently waiting to rock and roll on the upcoming … Read more

Make Hiring Easy with No Recruiting Mistakes At All

Hiring is a never ending practice. The process goes around lot of money and time in recruiting new sources. Sometimes, recruiting mistakes lead to poor hires causing excessive loss to the organization. To support end-to-end hiring process, there are recruiters who work all day and night with a sole aim to add best talent to … Read more